










・スーパースローモーション(Super-Slow Motion)
・ビデオの背景を消去する(Green Screen)
・対象物を追いかける(Motion Tracking)
・エフェクトとフィルター(Effects and Filters)
・共同で作業を行う(Invite collaborators)


・Generate Videos 画面の説明
・動画から動画を生成する(Video to Video(Gen1))
・テキストやイメージから動画を生成する(Text/Image to Video(Gen2))
・フレーム補完(Frame Interpolation)

・Edit Videos 画面の説明
・背景を切り抜く(Remove Background)
・色彩の調整(Color Grade(LUT))
・スーパースローモーション(Super-Slow Motion)
・顔にぼかしを入れる(Blur Faces)
・被写体の光の調整(Depth of Field)
・シーンの分割(Scene Detection)
・深度の抽出(Extract Depth)
・モーショントラッキング(Motion Tracking)

・Edit Audio and Subtitles 画面の説明
・背景ノイズの消去(Clean Audio)
・音源の空白を取り除く(Remove Silence)

・Generate Images 画面の説明
・テキストからイメージを生成する(Text to Image)
・イメージからイメージを生成する(Image to Image)
・イメージの無限拡大(Infinite Image)

・Edit Images 画面の説明
・イメージの拡張(Expand Image)
・イメージの消去と置き換え(Erase and Replace)
・イメージの背景を差し替える(Backdrop Remix)
・イメージバリエーション(Image Variation)
・イメージに色を付ける(Add color)
・イメージサイズを大きくする(Upscale Image)

・3D Generations 画面の説明
・3Dキャプチャーを作る(3D Capture)
・3Dキャプチャーを確認する(3D Capture)
・3Dテクスチャーを作る(3D Texture)












・スーパースローモーション(Super-Slow Motion)
・ビデオの背景を消去する(Green Screen)
・対象物を追いかける(Motion Tracking)
・エフェクトとフィルター(Effects and Filters)
・共同で作業を行う(Invite collaborators)


・Generate Videos 画面の説明
・動画から動画を生成する(Video to Video(Gen1))
・テキストやイメージから動画を生成する(Text/Image to Video(Gen2))
・フレーム補完(Frame Interpolation)

・Edit Videos 画面の説明
・背景を切り抜く(Remove Background)
・色彩の調整(Color Grade(LUT))
・スーパースローモーション(Super-Slow Motion)
・顔にぼかしを入れる(Blur Faces)
・被写体の光の調整(Depth of Field)
・シーンの分割(Scene Detection)
・深度の抽出(Extract Depth)
・モーショントラッキング(Motion Tracking)

・Edit Audio and Subtitles 画面の説明
・背景ノイズの消去(Clean Audio)
・音源の空白を取り除く(Remove Silence)

・Generate Images 画面の説明
・テキストからイメージを生成する(Text to Image)
・イメージからイメージを生成する(Image to Image)
・イメージの無限拡大(Infinite Image)

・Edit Images 画面の説明
・イメージの拡張(Expand Image)
・イメージの消去と置き換え(Erase and Replace)
・イメージの背景を差し替える(Backdrop Remix)
・イメージバリエーション(Image Variation)
・イメージに色を付ける(Add color)
・イメージサイズを大きくする(Upscale Image)

・3D Generations 画面の説明
・3Dキャプチャーを作る(3D Capture)
・3Dキャプチャーを確認する(3D Capture)
・3Dテクスチャーを作る(3D Texture)


Welcome to the exciting world of AI Filmmaking! In this course, we embark on a captivating journey at the intersection of technology and creativity, where artificial intelligence takes the spotlight in revolutionizing the art of filmmaking. Over the next several weeks, you will delve into the cutting-edge realm of AI-driven film production, equipping yourself with the skills and knowledge to harness the immense potential that AI brings to the cinematic landscape. As the creator of Shaya Studios, I have experience using these tools and want to bring that expertise to you.

The film industry has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, with AI emerging as a powerful force for innovation. Whether you're a seasoned filmmaker looking to enhance your craft or a budding enthusiast eager to explore the future of storytelling, this course offers a dynamic platform to explore the myriad ways in which AI is reshaping every aspect of filmmaking.

From scriptwriting and storyboarding to post-production and distribution, AI technologies are seamlessly integrating into the filmmaking process, offering efficiency, creativity, and cost-effectiveness like never before. By the end of this course, you'll not only understand how to leverage AI tools and techniques but also be poised to push the boundaries of cinematic artistry. We cover 10+ AI tools on the market such as Pika Labs, Midjourney, Leonardo AI, Beatoven AI, D-ID, Roop, Topaz, Lalamu, and much more. Not only does this course present you with a gentle introduction to all these softwares, it also outlines a detailed workflow including these tools and hidden secrets about these programs that will take your films to the next level.

This course includes EVERYTHING you will possibly need to get started by teaching you how to use many AI tools to take your moviemaking process to the next level. When you enroll into this course, not only are you going to have lifetime access to detailed tutorials, secrets, formulas, and workflows, but you will always stay on top of the newest and latest trends in AI because we will continue to update the course at least once a month, if not more, with the newest tools and workflows on the market. AI is constantly changing and we take full responsibility to ensure you are equipped with the knowledge of the latest, cutting-edge technology. If you have any questions, any tools you want me to cover, or any requests, ensure to leave them in the comments below and I will either create a new video tutorial or reach out personally to give you the help you need. In short, this course will be your lifetime one stop shop for everything AI filmmaking.

Get ready to unlock your potential as an AI filmmaker, and let's embark on this exciting journey together! Whether your goal is to produce captivating short films, explore experimental storytelling, or simply stay at the forefront of cinematic innovation, you're in the right place to harness the transformative power of AI in filmmaking. So, let's dive in and explore the limitless possibilities that AI has to offer in shaping the future of cinema.


Welcome to the exciting world of AI Filmmaking! In this course, we embark on a captivating journey at the intersection of technology and creativity, where artificial intelligence takes the spotlight in revolutionizing the art of filmmaking. Over the next several weeks, you will delve into the cutting-edge realm of AI-driven film production, equipping yourself with the skills and knowledge to harness the immense potential that AI brings to the cinematic landscape. As the creator of Shaya Studios, I have experience using these tools and want to bring that expertise to you.

The film industry has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, with AI emerging as a powerful force for innovation. Whether you're a seasoned filmmaker looking to enhance your craft or a budding enthusiast eager to explore the future of storytelling, this course offers a dynamic platform to explore the myriad ways in which AI is reshaping every aspect of filmmaking.

From scriptwriting and storyboarding to post-production and distribution, AI technologies are seamlessly integrating into the filmmaking process, offering efficiency, creativity, and cost-effectiveness like never before. By the end of this course, you'll not only understand how to leverage AI tools and techniques but also be poised to push the boundaries of cinematic artistry. We cover 10+ AI tools on the market such as Pika Labs, Midjourney, Leonardo AI, Beatoven AI, D-ID, Roop, Topaz, Lalamu, and much more. Not only does this course present you with a gentle introduction to all these softwares, it also outlines a detailed workflow including these tools and hidden secrets about these programs that will take your films to the next level.

This course includes EVERYTHING you will possibly need to get started by teaching you how to use many AI tools to take your moviemaking process to the next level. When you enroll into this course, not only are you going to have lifetime access to detailed tutorials, secrets, formulas, and workflows, but you will always stay on top of the newest and latest trends in AI because we will continue to update the course at least once a month, if not more, with the newest tools and workflows on the market. AI is constantly changing and we take full responsibility to ensure you are equipped with the knowledge of the latest, cutting-edge technology. If you have any questions, any tools you want me to cover, or any requests, ensure to leave them in the comments below and I will either create a new video tutorial or reach out personally to give you the help you need. In short, this course will be your lifetime one stop shop for everything AI filmmaking.

Get ready to unlock your potential as an AI filmmaker, and let's embark on this exciting journey together! Whether your goal is to produce captivating short films, explore experimental storytelling, or simply stay at the forefront of cinematic innovation, you're in the right place to harness the transformative power of AI in filmmaking. So, let's dive in and explore the limitless possibilities that AI has to offer in shaping the future of cinema.


Imagine having the ability to create videos without needing to hire expensive video creators or freelance talent. With chatGPT, that's now possible! chatGPT is a powerful AI tool that allows you to generate engaging scripts and content for your videos. With its extensive knowledge and language capabilities, chatGPT can help you create videos that are informative, entertaining, and engaging.

Are you eager to harness the potential of AI in revolutionizing your video creation and editing processes? Would you like to learn how ChatGPT can become your creative partner, accelerating your video projects and enhancing their quality?

Creating videos can be time-consuming, expensive, and frustrating. You need to find a scriptwriter, hire a voiceover artist, and edit the footage. It's a long and complicated process. And even then, you may not be happy with the final result. Plus, it can be hard to find someone who understands your vision and can create a video that reflects your brand. That's where chatGPT comes in! chatGPT is an AI tool that can help you create videos quickly and easily, without the need for freelancers or video creators.

Welcome to our comprehensive course, "ChatGPT for Video Creation and Editing: A Complete Guide." In this dynamic learning experience, we're here to equip you with the skills you need to leverage AI for seamless and efficient video production.

Course Highlights:

  • Introduction to ChatGPT and Cost-Efficiency: Dive into the world of ChatGPT and discover how you can access ChatGPT4 at a more affordable rate, enabling you to harness the latest AI advancements without breaking the bank.

  • Crafting Effective Video Prompts: Learn the art of creating prompts that spark creativity and guide ChatGPT's content generation process, setting the foundation for compelling video scripts.

  • Theme, Type, and Audience Customization: Uncover the secrets to tailoring your videos to specific themes, video types, and targeted audiences. Create content that resonates with your viewers and achieves your intended goals.

  • Optimizing Prompts for Video Creation: Explore advanced techniques for optimizing prompts to generate high-quality video scripts effortlessly. Elevate your content creation process through AI-powered assistance.

  • Creating YouTube Short Videos: Master the art of producing engaging and attention-grabbing YouTube short videos using ChatGPT-generated content. Elevate your YouTube presence with captivating visuals and narratives.

  • Crafting TikTok Video Ads: Learn how to use ChatGPT to create effective TikTok video ads that resonate with your audience and drive engagement. Discover techniques to make your brand stand out on this vibrant platform.

  • Crafting Facebook Reels: Dive into the world of Facebook Reels and leverage ChatGPT to craft captivating videos for your audience. Enhance your social media strategy and drive meaningful interactions.

This tutorial is for anyone who wants to create engaging and informative videos without the hassle and expense of hiring freelancers or video creators. With chatGPT, you can generate scripts that are tailored to your specific needs and audience. Plus, chatGPT is constantly learning and improving, so you can be sure that your videos will always be fresh and relevant. Whether you're a business owner, a content creator, or just someone who wants to share your ideas with the world, chatGPT can help you create videos that make an impact.

Embark on a journey of learning and creativity as we guide you through the intricacies of integrating AI into your video creation and editing workflows. Our step-by-step modules ensure a gradual learning curve, building your expertise in each aspect.

By the end of this course, you will possess:

  • The ability to masterfully design prompts for ChatGPT to generate compelling video scripts.

  • Proficiency in customizing video themes, types, and audiences for targeted content creation.

  • Skills to optimize prompts for efficient video production using AI-driven assistance.

  • Techniques to create captivating short videos for YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook Reels.

Join us in this transformative learning experience, where AI-driven video creation becomes an accessible and powerful tool in your creative arsenal.

Enrol today to unlock the world of ChatGPT for video creation and editing, and redefine the way you bring your ideas to life on screen.


Imagine having the ability to create videos without needing to hire expensive video creators or freelance talent. With chatGPT, that's now possible! chatGPT is a powerful AI tool that allows you to generate engaging scripts and content for your videos. With its extensive knowledge and language capabilities, chatGPT can help you create videos that are informative, entertaining, and engaging.

Are you eager to harness the potential of AI in revolutionizing your video creation and editing processes? Would you like to learn how ChatGPT can become your creative partner, accelerating your video projects and enhancing their quality?

Creating videos can be time-consuming, expensive, and frustrating. You need to find a scriptwriter, hire a voiceover artist, and edit the footage. It's a long and complicated process. And even then, you may not be happy with the final result. Plus, it can be hard to find someone who understands your vision and can create a video that reflects your brand. That's where chatGPT comes in! chatGPT is an AI tool that can help you create videos quickly and easily, without the need for freelancers or video creators.

Welcome to our comprehensive course, "ChatGPT for Video Creation and Editing: A Complete Guide." In this dynamic learning experience, we're here to equip you with the skills you need to leverage AI for seamless and efficient video production.

Course Highlights:

  • Introduction to ChatGPT and Cost-Efficiency: Dive into the world of ChatGPT and discover how you can access ChatGPT4 at a more affordable rate, enabling you to harness the latest AI advancements without breaking the bank.

  • Crafting Effective Video Prompts: Learn the art of creating prompts that spark creativity and guide ChatGPT's content generation process, setting the foundation for compelling video scripts.

  • Theme, Type, and Audience Customization: Uncover the secrets to tailoring your videos to specific themes, video types, and targeted audiences. Create content that resonates with your viewers and achieves your intended goals.

  • Optimizing Prompts for Video Creation: Explore advanced techniques for optimizing prompts to generate high-quality video scripts effortlessly. Elevate your content creation process through AI-powered assistance.

  • Creating YouTube Short Videos: Master the art of producing engaging and attention-grabbing YouTube short videos using ChatGPT-generated content. Elevate your YouTube presence with captivating visuals and narratives.

  • Crafting TikTok Video Ads: Learn how to use ChatGPT to create effective TikTok video ads that resonate with your audience and drive engagement. Discover techniques to make your brand stand out on this vibrant platform.

  • Crafting Facebook Reels: Dive into the world of Facebook Reels and leverage ChatGPT to craft captivating videos for your audience. Enhance your social media strategy and drive meaningful interactions.

This tutorial is for anyone who wants to create engaging and informative videos without the hassle and expense of hiring freelancers or video creators. With chatGPT, you can generate scripts that are tailored to your specific needs and audience. Plus, chatGPT is constantly learning and improving, so you can be sure that your videos will always be fresh and relevant. Whether you're a business owner, a content creator, or just someone who wants to share your ideas with the world, chatGPT can help you create videos that make an impact.

Embark on a journey of learning and creativity as we guide you through the intricacies of integrating AI into your video creation and editing workflows. Our step-by-step modules ensure a gradual learning curve, building your expertise in each aspect.

By the end of this course, you will possess:

  • The ability to masterfully design prompts for ChatGPT to generate compelling video scripts.

  • Proficiency in customizing video themes, types, and audiences for targeted content creation.

  • Skills to optimize prompts for efficient video production using AI-driven assistance.

  • Techniques to create captivating short videos for YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook Reels.

Join us in this transformative learning experience, where AI-driven video creation becomes an accessible and powerful tool in your creative arsenal.

Enrol today to unlock the world of ChatGPT for video creation and editing, and redefine the way you bring your ideas to life on screen.

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Project 1 - Zoom Out Effect (Midjourney & Adobe After Effects):

Are you ready to take your social media videos to the next level? Our course is your gateway to mastering the captivating "Zoom Out Effect" using Midjourney and After Effects in just 10 minutes! Here's why you should tune in:

Trending Social Media Magic: Social media is all about standing out, and the "Zoom Out Effect" is a hot trend that will make your videos shine among the rest. Learn to create mesmerizing content that will capture your audience's attention from the first second.

Elevate Your Video Game: Whether you're a seasoned creator or a newbie, this course is designed for everyone. Say goodbye to mundane videos and say hello to visually stunning masterpieces that leave a lasting impression.

Step-by-Step Simplicity: No technical mumbo-jumbo here! Our easy-to-follow instructions will guide you through the entire process, ensuring you gain practical skills that you can apply right away.

Social Media Optimization: It's not just about the effect; we'll share valuable insights on social media video production, trends, and audience engagement. Unlock the secrets to creating videos that resonate with your viewers.

Whether you're a content creator, a marketer, or someone who wants to level up their social media game, this tutorial is for you With the power of storytelling and visual effects, your videos will leave a lasting impression on every viewer

Project 2 = YOUR OWN AI TALKING AVATAR (Midjourney & Studio D-ID):

Welcome to the fascinating world of AI-powered talking animated avatars! Are you ready to unlock the potential of cutting-edge technology and bring your virtual creations to life? In this mini and short course, we invite you to embark on an exciting journey that will revolutionize the way you communicate and interact with your audience.

Imagine having the power to create lifelike avatars that not only replicate human expressions flawlessly but also speak with natural, dynamic voices. Gone are the days of feeling camera-shy or spending hours in front of the lens to record videos. With our step-by-step guide, you'll discover how to harness the capabilities of artificial intelligence to craft personalized animated avatars that can convey your message in a captivating and engaging manner.

In just 7 minutes, we will unveil the secrets behind using AI to generate virtual faces and voices that match your desired style and tone. Whether you're a content creator, educator, marketer, or simply someone who wants to elevate their digital presence, this course is designed to empower you with the tools you need to stand out from the crowd.

Moreover, say goodbye to the hassle of shooting, editing, and re-shooting videos. By adopting AI talking avatars, you'll save an incredible amount of time and effort, allowing you to focus on what truly matters - crafting compelling content and connecting with your audience on a whole new level.

I will guide you through every step of the process, making it accessible and enjoyable for both beginners and experienced users alike. You'll be amazed at how quickly you can create stunning animated avatars that communicate your ideas with precision and flair.

So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the future of communication and join us in this transformative journey of creating AI talking animated avatars. Unleash your creativity, save time, and witness the magic of technology at your fingertips. Enroll now and open the door to endless possibilities in the world of virtual storytelling. Your animated avatar adventure awaits!

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Project 1 - Zoom Out Effect (Midjourney & Adobe After Effects):

Are you ready to take your social media videos to the next level? Our course is your gateway to mastering the captivating "Zoom Out Effect" using Midjourney and After Effects in just 10 minutes! Here's why you should tune in:

Trending Social Media Magic: Social media is all about standing out, and the "Zoom Out Effect" is a hot trend that will make your videos shine among the rest. Learn to create mesmerizing content that will capture your audience's attention from the first second.

Elevate Your Video Game: Whether you're a seasoned creator or a newbie, this course is designed for everyone. Say goodbye to mundane videos and say hello to visually stunning masterpieces that leave a lasting impression.

Step-by-Step Simplicity: No technical mumbo-jumbo here! Our easy-to-follow instructions will guide you through the entire process, ensuring you gain practical skills that you can apply right away.

Social Media Optimization: It's not just about the effect; we'll share valuable insights on social media video production, trends, and audience engagement. Unlock the secrets to creating videos that resonate with your viewers.

Whether you're a content creator, a marketer, or someone who wants to level up their social media game, this tutorial is for you With the power of storytelling and visual effects, your videos will leave a lasting impression on every viewer

Project 2 = YOUR OWN AI TALKING AVATAR (Midjourney & Studio D-ID):

Welcome to the fascinating world of AI-powered talking animated avatars! Are you ready to unlock the potential of cutting-edge technology and bring your virtual creations to life? In this mini and short course, we invite you to embark on an exciting journey that will revolutionize the way you communicate and interact with your audience.

Imagine having the power to create lifelike avatars that not only replicate human expressions flawlessly but also speak with natural, dynamic voices. Gone are the days of feeling camera-shy or spending hours in front of the lens to record videos. With our step-by-step guide, you'll discover how to harness the capabilities of artificial intelligence to craft personalized animated avatars that can convey your message in a captivating and engaging manner.

In just 7 minutes, we will unveil the secrets behind using AI to generate virtual faces and voices that match your desired style and tone. Whether you're a content creator, educator, marketer, or simply someone who wants to elevate their digital presence, this course is designed to empower you with the tools you need to stand out from the crowd.

Moreover, say goodbye to the hassle of shooting, editing, and re-shooting videos. By adopting AI talking avatars, you'll save an incredible amount of time and effort, allowing you to focus on what truly matters - crafting compelling content and connecting with your audience on a whole new level.

I will guide you through every step of the process, making it accessible and enjoyable for both beginners and experienced users alike. You'll be amazed at how quickly you can create stunning animated avatars that communicate your ideas with precision and flair.

So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the future of communication and join us in this transformative journey of creating AI talking animated avatars. Unleash your creativity, save time, and witness the magic of technology at your fingertips. Enroll now and open the door to endless possibilities in the world of virtual storytelling. Your animated avatar adventure awaits!


Hello and welcome to my course, ChatGPT: Unofficial Udemy Course Creation with ChatGPT.

In this course, you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to generate content for a video slide presentation.  You'll use ChatGPT to research presentation topics, produce a course outline and develop slide content.  You'll learn to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create slide presentations from ChatGPT output.  You'll learn to use the Camtasia screen recorder to record slide presentations and screencast software demonstrations.  You'll learn to use the Camtasia video editor to finalize your videos and produce MP4 video output.  Finally, you'll learn to use Udemy to publish your online video training course for sale.

This course teaches you to produce and sell a professional-quality video training course in a day rather than weeks.

This course addresses the following topics in detail:

  • Using Microsoft PowerPoint to produce presentation slides

  • Using ChatGPT to research topics, generate a presentation outline and create slide content

  • Using the Camtasia video recorder to record PowerPoint slide presentations and screencast software demonstrations

  • Using the Camtasia video editor to edit your video and produce MP4 video output

  • Using Udemy to upload and sell your online video training courses

My name is Brian Jackson. I’m the author of one dozen books, publisher of over 100 books and educator with over 40 online video training courses. From July 2014 until now, I’ve made 496,825.81 dollars self-publishing Amazon Kindle books and $202,286.23 publishing Udemy online video training courses.

This course explains how to use ChatGPT to improve the quality of your courses while reducing the time required to produce them.

After watching this course, you will be able to publish professional-quality online video training courses faster than you ever thought possible.

I'll see you in the classroom,



Hello and welcome to my course, ChatGPT: Unofficial Udemy Course Creation with ChatGPT.

In this course, you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to generate content for a video slide presentation.  You'll use ChatGPT to research presentation topics, produce a course outline and develop slide content.  You'll learn to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create slide presentations from ChatGPT output.  You'll learn to use the Camtasia screen recorder to record slide presentations and screencast software demonstrations.  You'll learn to use the Camtasia video editor to finalize your videos and produce MP4 video output.  Finally, you'll learn to use Udemy to publish your online video training course for sale.

This course teaches you to produce and sell a professional-quality video training course in a day rather than weeks.

This course addresses the following topics in detail:

  • Using Microsoft PowerPoint to produce presentation slides

  • Using ChatGPT to research topics, generate a presentation outline and create slide content

  • Using the Camtasia video recorder to record PowerPoint slide presentations and screencast software demonstrations

  • Using the Camtasia video editor to edit your video and produce MP4 video output

  • Using Udemy to upload and sell your online video training courses

My name is Brian Jackson. I’m the author of one dozen books, publisher of over 100 books and educator with over 40 online video training courses. From July 2014 until now, I’ve made 496,825.81 dollars self-publishing Amazon Kindle books and $202,286.23 publishing Udemy online video training courses.

This course explains how to use ChatGPT to improve the quality of your courses while reducing the time required to produce them.

After watching this course, you will be able to publish professional-quality online video training courses faster than you ever thought possible.

I'll see you in the classroom,
